Spotify Local Files Tutorial for iOS


Spotify is known to do passive streaming, so in order to avoid this: make sure to block HYBE artists’ official pages and use your local files instead


Before I begin the tutorial: there is an account on Twitter (@/BoycottHYBEnow) that has made the discographies of all HYBE groups available for download through Google Drive. I have included the Google Drive links in the home page of this site.If you download through the links, they already have the tags embedded in them so you only have to do Step 1 and then skip to Steps 7-8 for instructions on how to get the downloaded file into your Spotify local files!


Step 1

Go to your Settings and privacy and turn on “Show audio files from this device”


Step 2

Download “Evertag: Music Tag Editor”


Step 3

Go to YouTube, search “Song Title Artist Audio” and copy the link


Step 4

Paste the URL in and click Convert

Once it converts: click download

(X out any ads that may pop up and click download again)


Step 5

Open Evertag
Click local files on the bottom row
Press open files

Select the file you downloaded (should be in On My iPhone -> Downloads)
Then press open in the top right corner


Step 6